Principal's Message
My Dear Student,
Benhil English School is an institution of St.Joseph's Priory of Sylvestro-Benedictine Congregation.As the patron of this institution,Iam happy and proud to welcome you to Benhil English School which is commited to inculcating in all its students,strong ethical values of integity,politeness,kindness and respect for elders.I firmly believe that education should foster confidence,discipline,clarity in thought and descision-making ability to set and achieve goals,and above all,social responsibility as life long process.Benhill School take pride in providing a caring atmosphere to all its students just apt for youn minds to be nurtured.
Dear student,be confident that you will be helped during your life here at Benhil English School to set realistic goals,to respect traditions,to keep the laws of the country and move aheadenlightend bythe grace of God.
I wish you a pleasant and valuable learning experience at Benhil English School.

"LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE ON US" is the motto of Benhill English School. We implore God's guidance and enlightenment in every moment of life activity. Enlightened by the Supernatural Light, Benhill English School moulds in a catholic and Benedictine monastic ambient, self-confident, sensitive, responsible and informed individuals with a life-long passion for learing and caring.
"ENSURING EXCELLENCE EMPOWERING DREAMS"is yet another watchword of Benhill English School, as it prides itself in ensuring its pupils excellence in intellectual pursuit and has set high expectations for all students to empower them to work hard for their dreams. It is our desire that every Benhill student grow in academic self-discipline, critical thinking skills, independent reasoning, and creative expression in order to attain realistic goals in a challenging world.
Education aims at making children capable of becoming responsible, productive and useful members of society.Knowledge,Skills and attitudes are built through learning experiences and opportunities created for learners in school. We at Benhill English school aspire to equip our student with the skills needed to realize their unique gifts and talents which God has given them and achieve their full potential.We provide a rich and rewading educational environment for children.We believe that such an education is needed to meet the challenges of the the future and to produce individuals who are self-confident, resourceful and enterprising.The students of Benhill are invited to express themselves through intellectual activities, sports, games, music, art and a variety of other activities which will develop their physical and creative abilities and potential, making it easy for them to combine learning with fun. We aim to develop and maintain a good balance between the mental and physical well-being of our students, giving them the possibility to participate in a variety of activities which will ensure that all aspects of development are covered.We aim to help in our students growth process, giving them the chance to experience and experiment with different stimuli both mental and physical, as they move through childhood and into adolescence.We teach values and build character while celebrating creativity and exchange of ideas.Ours students explore their realtionship with God in daily prayer and their relationships with others through strong social interactions.We provide an atmosphere that fosters spiritual grounding in the christian tradition with respect for the dignity and beliefs of every human being. We promote the concepts of responsible global citizenship and active stewardship for the natural world.
Benedictines carry on a tradition that stems from the origins of christian monastic movement. St.Benedict is the heavenly patron and guiding light of Benedictines all over the world.Benhill English School is established to promote the Benedictine tradition of education and formation of young persons.St.Benedict is the patron of the school.The school prepares its students to participate fully in a diverse and dynamic society balancing theirs rights and duties as individuals with the demands of the common good.This type of education is designed to broaden and deepen a person's vision of reality, to help all understand the dignity and uniqueness of each human person and at the same time to place an emphasis upon the demads of freedom and social responsibility.Centeral to our educational tradition is the rigorous investigation of the questions that deal with the ultimate purpose of life.
Our commitment to quality education, spiritual awareness and community participation are unshakable values addressing the needs of tomorrow.We, at Benhill, impart a quality education rooted in the 1500 - year tradition of Benedictine ideals, an education that prepares not only for a career but also for service to people.Benedictine values that promote spiritual convictions, professional goals, community obligations and a happy and rewarding fraternal life are not only parellel paths in the structure of life. The mission and vision of Benedictines reflect out catholic and Benedictine traditions and provide the learning community with a sense of continuity with the past and a direction for the future.
The clubs at Benhill English School are intended to motivate, challenge and stimulate every child of the school to identify and to develop the innate talents.

SCIENCE CLUB : Students who have a scientific bent of mind, benefits a lot from this club at Behill English School, because of the opportunities for observation, research and analysis that go beyond the classroom.

NATURE CLUB : Nature club is a means for students to explore the oudoors in a way that is educative and enjoyable.It encourages students to build positive experiences about the environment.

MATHS CLUB : Maths club gives students a chance to pratice their maths skill in a more relaxed environment. It also provides chances to apply maths skills in the real world to gain an appreciation for the subject.

DANCE CLUB : As dance is a happy blend of the visual authority and verbal types of art, a good dancer can achieve perfect co-ordination of mind and body and self-confidence. At Benhill English School, interested students are given opportunity to learn classical dance.They form the dance club.

SOCIAL ACTION CLUB : Learning through exposure to the real field also enables the children to gain insights into the real world of life. It provides occasions for students to develop qualities and pro-s.Behill English School considers off-campus study trips a valuable means of complementing the formal education for children.The School has formed a social action club to this effect.

MUSIC CLUB : At Benhill English School students are given training in music and musical instruments.Students who are learning karnatic vocal music and musical instruments like guitar violin and keyboard form the music club.The school band and the school choir are the part of the music club.